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FAQs on SMS notifications

From 21 May 2024 you will no longer be able to receive SMS notifications about new documents. But you can switch on email or push notifications (in the mySympany app) instead.

The high costs associated with sending SMS notifications have to be covered by the premiums paid by all policyholders. Email and push notifications are cheaper alternatives that achieve the same result. On that basis, we’ve decided to stop offering SMS notifications altogether for the benefit of all our customers.

You can update your notification settings under Settings > Documents & notifications in the menu on mySympany. You can choose to receive email and/or push notifications:

  • You will see the email address saved in your account next to the email option. You can update this under Settings > Profile if you need to.
  • You can activate push notifications in mySympany.
    Depending on the device you’re using, you should also be able to choose which mySympany notifications you receive by updating your device settings. You can also switch off push notifications there if you ever change your mind.

There’s also the option of switching off notifications altogether.

If you have already activated e-mail or push, you do not need to do anything.

If e-mail or push notifications are not turned on, you will soon not receive any more notifications about invoices and other documents.

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